Reduce fertiliser costs and increase accuracy by placing fertiliser exactly where you need it!
This month we caught up one of our produce clients running two FB-F FertiBox a front mounted tank designed for targeted fertilisation.
Fieldco is family-owned and operated by the Simpkin family, and located in the Kaipara region, near Dargaville, ‘The Kumara Capital of New Zealand’. Their farms are situated in, what is undoubtedly, the best micro-climate for kumara growing in the country. The Simpkins have been supplying kumara since 1976. Their product range now includes fresh, processed, frozen, and kumara snacks, as well as potatoes and melons.
Fieldco bought their first FB-F Fertibox six years ago and, appreciating the benefits, followed up a year later with a second machine. Prior to the Fertibox, Fieldco had relied on ground-spreading contractors.
Jamie Doouss, Fieldco’s Field Crop Manager, says that applying fertiliser themselves rather than relying on contractors means they have greater control of timing. That means they are better able to make use of favourable windows in the weather, which has been crucial over the last couple of years. The application accuracy of the Fertibox is also a big benefit, putting the right amount of product in the right place, every time and with limited wastage.
Depending on the weather, the Fieldco crew use the Fertibox on a variety of the crops they grow and usually begins with a preplant base dressing. On some broad acre crops they also have occasionally also used it for a mid-season secondary application.
Jamie says that the Fertibox is an important tool in Fieldco’s toolbox. He says the attachment process is quick and simple thanks to the front three-point linkage. Fertiliser application is monitored through the tractor’s existing Isobus system, so there’s no need for an extra screen.
The big advantages, Jamie says, are the saving of time through the reduced number of passes and the accuracy of fertiliser placement.
Monitoring application through the Fertibox system and tractor movement via GPS gives Fieldco the information they need for compliance records. Jamie says that he is pleased with the accuracy and says that the occasional error is usually of the human variety.
As far as maintenance goes, Jamie points out that fertiliser is an abrasive corrosive product, so cleaning and maintenance by the operator are essential. The odd issue has been easily and quickly sorted by 4AG. He cites the 24/7 support as being a big plus.
Give us a call to discuss how the Ferti-Box can add value to your operation 0800 424 100